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A JSON API resource is represented through a PHP object of type Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\ResourceInterface and requires at least “type” and “id”.


Method Return type Description
type() string Resource Type Identifier (“type”)
id() string Resource Identifier (“id”)
attributes() KeyValueCollection Attributes of the resource (“attributes”)
relationships() RelationshipCollectionInterface The relationships of a resource (“relationships”)
links() LinkCollectionInterface The links for a resource (“links”)
metaInformation() KeyValueCollection Meta Informations for a resource (“meta”)


A Relationship is represented through a PHP object of type Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Relationship\RelationshipInterface:

Method Return type Description
shouldBeHandledAsCollection() boolean Indicates if the contained data should be handled as object collection or single object.
name() string The relationship name
related() ResourceCollectionInterface Collection of related resources for this relationship.
links() LinkCollectionInterface Collection of link objects for this relationship.
metaInformation() KeyValueCollection Collection of meta informations for this relationship.
duplicate(string $name = null) RelationshipInterface Helper method to duplicate this relationship, optional with another name.

A relationship contains, depending on return value of “shouldBeHandledAsCollection”, one or many related resources or can be empty.

A relationship needs a unique name (in context of one resource) and offers access to all related resources via RelationshipInterface::related(). Relationships can contain links and meta information like resources.

The relationships of a resource are accessible via ResourceInterface::relationships(), which is an instance of Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Relationship\RelationshipCollectionInterface:

Method Return type Description
all() array All relationship objects of this collection.
count() int Number of collection entries.
isEmpty() bool Checks if the collection contains any elements.
has(string $name) bool Checks if the collection contains a special relationship.
get(string $name) RelationshipInterface Returns a relationship by name or throws an \InvalidArgumentException if relationship does not exists.
set(RelationshipInterface $relationship) $this Set a relationship object into the collection.
remove(string $name) $this Remove a relationship by name from the collection.
removeElement(RelationshipInterface $relationship) $this Remove a relationship object from the collection.

If a related resource should contain meta information which should only be accessible in the resource identifier object in the relationship, your Resource can implement Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Extension\RelatedMetaInformationInterface and use Enm\JsonApi\Model\Resource\Extension\RelatedMetaInformationTrait.

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